Lake Arrowhead has four, mild, beautiful seasons: cool, colorful & brilliant falls, gentle snowy winters, bright springs and sunny summers.
July is generally our warmest month with average temperatures in the low 80s.
Summers may be unusually cooler than down in the valley by approx. 20 degrees. Warm and mild, but not too hot, summer temps in
Lake Arrowhead can range between the high 60s and the low to mid 80s.
temps in Lake Arrowhead may fall below freezing, but generally rise
above freezing to the 30s, 40s, or even the low 50s by mid morning.
Highs during the winter months average in the 40s or low 50s on warmer
days. Our coldest month is January with the average
Lake Arrowhead weather temperature ranging between 25 and 30 degrees.
Average yearly
rainfall: 40
to 42 inches per year (a dramatic three to four inches more than the
average rainfall in the overall Southern California area). We
get more rain during the winter months with January/February being the wettest months.
November thru March, our average snowfall in
Lake Arrowhead is approximately 80 inches.
can vary between day and night during the summer, as much as 25 to 30
degrees. During the winter months, temperature ranges between day and
night usually only 15 to 20 degrees.
The variety of
Lake Arrowhead
weather makes our resort area perfect for enjoying many outdoor
activities; From water skiing in the summer to snow skiing in the
winter, Lake Arrowhead's climate offers
something for everyone.