Friday, October 17, 2008


Did you see any news yesterday? If so, you may have seen Ringo Starr (of course you know he's one of Fab Four--Beatles). Usually I don't pay attention to "stuff" like this, but I was cooking and barely listening to the reporter, when I HEARD Ringo Starr almost shouting "After October 20, 2008, I'M NOT SIGNING ANYMORE FAN MAIL OR OPENING ANYMORE FAN MAIL. I'M TOO BUSY!
With my mouth opened WIDE, I turned and stared at the TV in disbelief! My thoughts were (and still are) YOU ARROGANT &*#. The public made you! Your fans guided your career. And you TREAT your loyal fans like this?
Okay, I was never a Beatles fan (I know I'm the odd man out, but they never did anything for me), though I grew to love Paul McCartney's baby face...and voice.
What if we, after we finally retire from our Real Estate career, treated past clients like this? What IF we got a call from a past client wanting to sell and asking for help finding a Realtor who we'd recommend? And we said to the Past Client, "TOUGH LUCK! I'M TOO BUSY ENJOYING LIFE TO HELP YOU."
So, am I off my rocker with my feelings? Am I over-reacting? What say you?

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